Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sculpture on a rainy day.

My Indian sculpture (in clay) on my patio.
It was Father's Day today. I went out to lunch with my parents, sister, brother in law and four nephews. Then came home to work in my garden and on my art. It has been a nice day today. Pleasant temperature and light rain. Good weather for sculpting outdoors provided the mosquitoes don't eat you up.
My sculpture of a Plains Indian on my patio.

I did a bit of work on my second Indian sculpture. This Indian is a Plains Indian wearing a buffalo robe and with a feather in his hair. I have not spent a lot of time on this one but I am enjoying it. I am working on this one more from old photographs and imagination, not from a model and so it has been more challenging ut also more freeing in some ways..

My two doves
When the mosquitoes are not so bad my patio is one of my favorite places to paint or sculpt. I have two doves and several finches that coo and sing non stop. I enjoy them a lot. I also have several lemon and orange trees on the patio and lots of other blooming things. Altogether, it makes a great place to work, with wonderful northern light for painting.
Some of my oranges, these are miniatures.


  1. Un buste absolument magnifique... Il dégage une grande sensation. Je pense que vous lui avez donné une âme. Je vous félicite. La sculpture est si complémentaire à la peinture.
    Vos deux colombes sont adorables. A une époque j'avais une volière pleine de colombes et de tourterelles. A présent elle est vide. J'ai ouvert la porte il y a quelques années. Tous, petit à petit se sont envolés... Aujourd'hui mes oiseaux ne sont pas loin. Ils restent par là et viennent toujours se nourrir des graines que je leur donne près de la volière.
    Merci pour l'ensemble de vos photos.
    Continuez de m'étonner avec votre art.
    Gros bisous à vous.

    1. Thank you for your very kind comments. I have long been inspired by your beautiful photographs. In addition to seeing the art it is interesting to see the photography that inspires artists from around the world.

  2. The sculpture is looking great. Your patio does look like a nice spot to spend time creating art.

  3. Gorgeous sculpture! I have doves as well!
