Sunday, June 16, 2013

Stir Crazy

Texas Jack
8 x 10
oil on canvas
   Last Thursday I had a minor surgery to reattach the muscles in my eyes to the upper eyelids. (To fix a hereditary condition.) The surgery went smoothly but I've had to spend the last several days applying ice packs to my eyes every 40 minutes or less. Therefore I've not had a lot of time or inclination to create art. Well that isn't really true, I have had the inclination, but maybe motivation or ability is what I lacked. My vision is not very clear even with my glasses, which I am not used to wearing and I can't wear my contacts yet.
   I have been blessed to have my family and friends, visit, call, text, email, send cards, and bring me delicious meals and desserts. So, I have a tremendous amount to be thankful for.
Bison Family
Work in progress
Oil based clay
   But despite all that, I've been sticking very close to home and getting rather bored with that. Today, some of my friends went to another friend's ranch to take photos of the ranch work and I had to miss out on that. However, I did a bit of painting here at home. I started a couple and am pretty happy with the jackrabbit. I also worked on the bison family sculpture I've been working on. I am done with the ice packs and hope to have plenty of time to create paintings and sculptures for the rest of the summer as I get back to feeling like myself.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour cher ami,

    Je suis réellement navrée d'apprendre que vous ayez dû subir une intervention chirurgicale. Une intervention délicate et handicapante à la fois pour un artiste.
    J'ose espérer que les résultats soient parfaits et que très vite ces difficiles moments ne soient plus que des mauvais souvenirs. Aussi je vous souhaite un prompt rétablissement.
    Je pense qu'après tout ce temps de privation vous allez travailler avec une grande détermination, aussi j'ai hâte de pouvoir admirer vos prochaines oeuvres.
    En attendant je suis aujourd'hui éblouie devant la peinture de votre lièvre avec ces cactus extraordinaires et le travail en cours de cette belle famille de bisons.

    Je vous fais de gros bisous et continuez de vous faire "bichonner" par votre entourage...
    Des petits chocolats par ci, d'autres petites gourmandises par là !! cela compense un peu !
